
Executive Engineer, Birbhum Division P.H.E. Dte

Executive Engineer, Birbhum Division, P.H.E. Dte.

PHE Department is mainly responsible for supplying drinking water in rural areas by implementing piped water supply scheme. Another important activity of PHED is water quality monitoring and surveillance through well established water testing laboratories managed by PHED and NGOs.

At present there are 55nos. Commissioned piped water supply scheme (PWSS) maintained by PHED and and also 4 nos. Hospital water supply scheme are maintained by PHED in this district. Apart from this at present 32 nos. piped water supply scheme has been ongoing.

Safe drinking water is supplied for the people in natural calamities, like flood or drought.

Number of functional tube well in the district is 23353.

Rural population Coverage by the commissioned PWSS is 36.12%.

17.60% Rural population will be covered by the ongoing PWSS and total population coverage after completion ongoing PWSS will be 53.94%


The brief actives of this division are as follows:

Study of Techno Economical feasibility of new proposed schemes received from the beneficiaries.

Survey and preparation new schemes.

Installation, commissioning and handing over of the new schemes.

Maintenance and repairing of Commissioned schemes.

Extension of FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection) from commissioned and ongoing PWSS under ‘Jal Swapna’ programme JJM.

Augmentation/ rejuvenation of old PWSS.


Citizen centric activities:-

 Supply Drinking Water by sinking tube wells in rural areas.

 Supplying Drinking Water through commissioned piped water supply scheme in rural areas.

 O &M of commissioned Piped Water Supply Scheme for drinking water

 Implementation of New water supply scheme.

 Water quality monitoring and surveillance through well established water testing laboratories  managed by PHED and NGOs

Projects Running:-

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Success Story (if any):-

Commissioning of 55 nos. PWSS till date.

Sinking of 23353 nos. of Functional Tube wells till date.

Till date about 30(Thirty) Thousand Household getting benefit of FHTC under ‘Jal Swapna’  programme.

Establishment of 10 nos. of Water Testing Laboratory in the district till date.


Contact Details
Office of the Executive Engineer,
Birbhum Division P.H Engineering Dte.
PHE Complex, SP More, Suri, Birbhum

Email: ce_hq[at]wbphed[dot]gov[dot]in, Phone: 03462-25477


State Level Head Office:

Office of the Chief Engineer (HQs), PHE, Dte.

Office : HeadOffice,7th floor, New Secretariat Building ,1.K.S.Roy Road,, Pin – 700001

Ph. No.- 03322485281 Fax- 03322103993

E-Mail – ce_hq[at]wbphed[dot]gov[dot]in